mental health Gerda Imhof mental health Gerda Imhof

Why I have an owl in my logo

Or how to enjoy life more in the face of your own mortality

Maybe you have already been asking yourself why – out of all animals – I have chosen an owl for my logo. In case you are a yoga teacher or an interested yoga student, you may even have been asking yourself if there is an „owl asana“. As far as I know there is no asana named after an owl (please tell me, in case you know of one). So, what does the owl represent for you?

mental health Gerda Imhof mental health Gerda Imhof


As you might know, I opened a 60+ yoga class almost a year ago. While officially labeled 60+, as a matter of fact, most of my course participants are well into their seventies, if not eighties. We can’t deny that this is the phase in life that is all about learning to let go and saying goodbye to many loved ones around us. Finally, we also have to find the trust to let go of our own life without knowing what exactly might come next.
